Want Bold Brows Without a Ton of Makeup? Try Microblading

Minimally-invasive cosmetic treatments have seen an upsurge in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Results that would previous require more invasive surgical treatments are now achievable in the convenience of a quick doctor’s office visit.

Enter microblading, a process that has gained massive popularity in recent years with celebrities like Madonna, Cara Delevingne, Lily Collins, and many others. Their results are now entirely achievable and may be more affordable and convenient than you’d previously considered. Allow Dr. Suhel Ahmed and our team at LH Spa & Rejuvenation to demystify this astonishing treatment.

Who is microblading for?   

Here’s the nice thing about microblading: It is literally for everyone. Whether you just want thicker brows without the daily hassle and effort of makeup, or you’ve experienced brow thinning as a result of age or alopecia, microblading can provide you with spectacular, natural-looking brows.

A convenient process with spectacular results  

Microblading simply refers to the process of applying a semi-permanent tattoo to your brow lines, with results typically lasting for up to three years. We use a simple, handheld tool to add color pigments that mimic the appearance of hairs along your brow lines.

The initial treatment usually takes up to a couple of hours to complete and offers a darker result immediately after treatment. Follow up appointments will monitor your results and provide opportunities for touchups and any alterations, depending on how you feel about the results.   

And it’s much easier than tattooing

Unlike permanent tattooing processes, microblading doesn’t influence the deeper layers of the skin. Instead, the results alter only the very surface layers. The pigment strokes from microblading are natural in appearance. The tool used is a handheld needle or blade, as opposed to a tattoo gun, which penetrates deeper and provides permanent, less natural-looking results.   

Attain the perfect brows

Now that  you know more about the microblading procedure, you’re probably still wondering more about cost and the number of sessions needed. If you’re ready to take the first step in achieving a bold and balanced appearance, come in to see Dr. Ahmed and our team at LH Spa & Rejuvenation for all the details. We’ll employ our experience and unique skill set, along with the latest in cosmetic technology, to provide you with fuller and truly organic-looking brows.

If you’re tired of thinning brows and are exhausted from going through the daily aggravation of filling them in, microblading could be the solution that you’ve been looking for. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.    



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LH Lean Program Journey

Screening Process:

In-State (NJ ONLY) Screening Process:

  1. Submit the Patient Inquiry Form

  2. Fax or email a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card (front & back) to lhlean@lhmedspa.com or (973) 735-2645.

  3. A required TSH/thyroid panel and CMP/Comprehensive Metabolic Panel will be ordered by one of our Nurse Practitioners.

    1. These panels can be ordered to Labcorp, Quest OR you can schedule a convenient appointment at our Madison office to have your blood drawn. ($50 draw fee applies)

  4. No insurance?

    1. You may purchase a panel out-of-pocket without an e-script through Labcorp Link

CMP https://www.ondemand.labcorp.com/lab-tests/comprehensive-metabolic-panel

TSH https://www.ondemand.labcorp.com/lab-tests/thyroid-stimulating-hormone-tsh-test

  1. The inquiry form and  labs are reviewed by our APN within 3-5 business days

  2. You will receive an email from LH Lean admin with your candidacy for the LH Lean Program.

Out Of State Screening Process:

  1. Submit the Patient Inquiry Form

  2. Fax or email the required labs (below) and a copy of your driver’s license to lhlean@lhmedspa.com or (973)735-2645.

    1. Required labs: A TSH/thyroid panel and CMP/Comprehensive Metabolic Panel that has been drawn in the last 6 months.

  3. Don’t have recent lab work? Contact your primary provider to request labs.

    1. You may also purchase a panel out-of-pocket without an e-script through Labcorp Link

CMP https://www.ondemand.labcorp.com/lab-tests/comprehensive-metabolic-panel

TSH https://www.ondemand.labcorp.com/lab-tests/thyroid-stimulating-hormone-tsh-test

  1. The inquiry form and labs are reviewed by our APN within 3-5 business days

  2. You will receive an email from LH Lean admin with your candidacy for the LH Lean Program.

Consultation Process:
  • Candidates are scheduled for a 30-minute consultation with an APN to begin a trial period of 4 weeks.
    • Consultation: $125
    • 4 week trial period: $600
  • Consultations consist of a history & physical, body composition analysis, description of the program, and administration of your first injection.
  • Payment for the 4 week trial period will be reconciled at the conclusion of your consultation.
Program Continuation:
  • After the 4-week trial period, you will receive a 12-week supply throughout your journey to mitigate shipping costs and gaps in care.
    • There is a 7-10 day turnaround time from Rx submission to arrival of medication.
    • A Fed-Ex shipping notification will arrive via email 24 hours prior to delivery
  • Medication cannot be returned to the pharmacy; therefore, it is non-refundable.
  • The flexibility of LH Lean allows for the following options:
    • Visit us weekly to discuss symptoms, progress, dosing, and receive your injection from an APN or RN
    • Self-administer your medication weekly at home using dosage guidance from our medical staff
    • Visit us monthly at LH to allow medical staff to draw up your medication for storage at your personal home to allow for self-administration
  • You will meet with an APN in-person or via telehealth on a monthly basis to discuss dosing, symptoms, progress, and treatment recommendations.
    • It is recommended that you visit LH to use our complimentary InBody analysis device during your monthly follow-ups.
  • A comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) is required every 6 months while participating in the LH Lean Program to evaluate blood sugar, kidney function, electrolytes, and liver function.


Ending Treatment:
  • Many patients remain on a maintenance dose for weeks to months prior to ending treatment.
  • Each dosing plan is customized to each patient’s goals and tolerance
  • It is NOT recommended that you cease treatment without medical guidance, which will include a recommended “weaning off” schedule.
  • Treatment conclusion may occur over a 4, 8, or 12-week period. Allow our medical staff to make recommendations based on your current dosing, timeline, and tolerance.
  • An End-of-Program check-in with an APN will provide guidance for weaning off, maintenance while off the medication, and potential for restarting the program in the future, if desired.

Have concerns throughout the program?